Example Process Paragraph
Want to Try Something Different?
You can safely swim with piranhas, but it's important to know how and when to do it. First, choose an appropriate time, preferably at night and during the rainy season. Avoid piranha-infested waters during the dry season, when food supplies are low and piranhas are more desperate. Piranhas feed during the day, so night-time swimming is much safer. Second, streamline your movement. Wild or erratic activity attracts the attention of piranhas. Swim slowly and smoothly. Finally, never enter the water with an open wound or raw meat. Piranhas attack larger animals only when they are wounded. The presence of blood in the water may tempt the fish to attack. If you follow these simple precautions, you will have little to fear.
from: http://www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/paragraphexamples.html
I never fear to fish, if the the fish bite me, I should bite its back.